About Us
Our Mission:
Attract and retain quality jobs, diversify the economy, and broaden the tax base in Washington County. This is accomplished through the creation of a desirable quality of life, competitively positioned industrial sites, a strong and well-trained workforce, and a pro-business environment that encourages new investment and enterprise.
Guiding Vision:
Create a diversified and balanced economy for Washington County by attracting new industry and expanding and promoting existing economic sectors to achieve a combination of results: job creation and retention, overall growth of the county’s tax base, and economic stability.
Meet Our Team

Board of Supervisors
Washington County is governed by a Board consisting of seven Supervisors. One Supervisor is elected by the citizens from each of the County’s seven Election Districts.
Washington County partners with a number of organizations which share its mission of attracting and retaining quality jobs, diversifying the economy, and broadening the tax base in Washington County.
The Washington County Industrial Development Authority (IDA) is the primary organization responsible for industrial development within Washington County, including the development of publicly owned industrial parks and a variety of financing mechanisms to assist in the location or expansion of industry within the County.
Volunteer association of business people working together to improve the economic vitality of Washington County.
Non-Profit Economic Development Tool Created by Washington County and the Town of Abingdon to Assist Start-Up and Existing Business Growth and Expansion Activities
Learn more about Virginia Highlands Small Business Incubator
Regional Planning District Commission. Also serves as Coordinator for the Smyth-Washington Regional Industrial Facilities Authority.
Virginia’s Economic Development Authority